Sunday, December 7, 2008

An Amazing day on the journey

A couple of weeks back I got an e-mail that Wayne Jacobsen would be in Phoenix. I made plans to attend 2 events on Sunday...amazingly, he was speaking just 1 mile from our home and attending an open house just 4 miles away.

The first event (his teaching event) was hosted by a House Church. Please don't take this comment wrong, but it was really just institutional church done in a home. They had a projector w/announcements and songs...they had worship leaders, annoucement maker and obviously someone in charge of the church. They accepted an offering and sadly, the members were more concerned about getting me to attend their house church. Having said that...Wayne's message was awesome!

Wayne is just a regular guy. He doesn't claim to know anything but Jesus Christ. He just shared with us the reason Jesus lived and died on earth. He quickly told us of his journey and encouraged my journey. I LOVED his message and his heart!

While at the Home Church event, I met a family on the identical journey as ours. They don't attend church, nor do they feel motivated to do so. They were just a regular family seeking an intimate relationship with God. It was great to visit with them and encourage them on their journey!

In the evening we attended the open house (with some hesitation). Wayne was available to share more of his personal journey and it was wonderful to hear it! Our middle son had him sign our copy of "So, You Don't Want to Go to Church anymore"...his signature included; "live free"! Kari had a great conversation with a young musician who no longer attends church (although his wife still feels she needs to attend...praying!). We are hoping that he and our oldest son make contact since both love Music!

We are still alone in the journey...God has designed it that way for now so that we don't focus on anything but Him. BUT, today I am encouraged and confirmed by meeting others on the journey and meeting Wayne! If you are on this encouraged...this is a God journey!


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