On our journey we are joined by my sister-in-law and her husband. I say joined, they actually live in another state so we don't get to share much time together. They searched and searched for a church, getting involved in several and then finally deciding to take a break...all just soon before God lead us on this journey.
What is so amazing...I was made aware of a difficult situtation going on in our family. My sister-in-law decided it was time to get serious in prayer, so she fasted and prayed. God answered the prayer - miraculously! I know a lot of people look at those of us who have left the church and think, we have walked away from God...how far from the truth! I am encouraged and blessed to hear stories like this from others on the journey...have one to share?
I also just got an e-mail from Eric...the family I met last Sunday. He and his family's heart is to LOVE GOD and be faithful to whatever God calls them to. Eric...thanks for the encouragement!
Thank you God for giving us a chance to interact with others on this journey!!
Live Loved, Live Free,
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
An Amazing day on the journey
A couple of weeks back I got an e-mail that Wayne Jacobsen would be in Phoenix. I made plans to attend 2 events on Sunday...amazingly, he was speaking just 1 mile from our home and attending an open house just 4 miles away.
The first event (his teaching event) was hosted by a House Church. Please don't take this comment wrong, but it was really just institutional church done in a home. They had a projector w/announcements and songs...they had worship leaders, annoucement maker and obviously someone in charge of the church. They accepted an offering and sadly, the members were more concerned about getting me to attend their house church. Having said that...Wayne's message was awesome!
Wayne is just a regular guy. He doesn't claim to know anything but Jesus Christ. He just shared with us the reason Jesus lived and died on earth. He quickly told us of his journey and encouraged my journey. I LOVED his message and his heart!
While at the Home Church event, I met a family on the identical journey as ours. They don't attend church, nor do they feel motivated to do so. They were just a regular family seeking an intimate relationship with God. It was great to visit with them and encourage them on their journey!
In the evening we attended the open house (with some hesitation). Wayne was available to share more of his personal journey and it was wonderful to hear it! Our middle son had him sign our copy of "So, You Don't Want to Go to Church anymore"...his signature included; "live free"! Kari had a great conversation with a young musician who no longer attends church (although his wife still feels she needs to attend...praying!). We are hoping that he and our oldest son make contact since both love Music!
We are still alone in the journey...God has designed it that way for now so that we don't focus on anything but Him. BUT, today I am encouraged and confirmed by meeting others on the journey and meeting Wayne! If you are on this journey...be encouraged...this is a God journey!
The first event (his teaching event) was hosted by a House Church. Please don't take this comment wrong, but it was really just institutional church done in a home. They had a projector w/announcements and songs...they had worship leaders, annoucement maker and obviously someone in charge of the church. They accepted an offering and sadly, the members were more concerned about getting me to attend their house church. Having said that...Wayne's message was awesome!
Wayne is just a regular guy. He doesn't claim to know anything but Jesus Christ. He just shared with us the reason Jesus lived and died on earth. He quickly told us of his journey and encouraged my journey. I LOVED his message and his heart!
While at the Home Church event, I met a family on the identical journey as ours. They don't attend church, nor do they feel motivated to do so. They were just a regular family seeking an intimate relationship with God. It was great to visit with them and encourage them on their journey!
In the evening we attended the open house (with some hesitation). Wayne was available to share more of his personal journey and it was wonderful to hear it! Our middle son had him sign our copy of "So, You Don't Want to Go to Church anymore"...his signature included; "live free"! Kari had a great conversation with a young musician who no longer attends church (although his wife still feels she needs to attend...praying!). We are hoping that he and our oldest son make contact since both love Music!
We are still alone in the journey...God has designed it that way for now so that we don't focus on anything but Him. BUT, today I am encouraged and confirmed by meeting others on the journey and meeting Wayne! If you are on this journey...be encouraged...this is a God journey!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Last year on Thanksgiving we had a house full of people. This year on Thanksgiving we had one family over...our neighbors you've read about before. The difference between this year and last? This year I sat with our neighbor (I'll call him Bob) and we talked about a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our conversation went from salvation to faith and we spent some time on what pleases God. The day was a blessing!
Now is a good time to mention that sometimes the journey is hard and "unknown". There are times of doubt, times of fear, and feelings of being alone. God is so gracious that He walks us through those tough times...giving us just what we need, when we need it. We've come to realize that being around a lot of people has not proven an effective ministry. When we invited people over from the ic we had a lot of people in our home (over 100 on two occasions)...but with little meaningful impact. We found that our only connection with several people was were we walked into and out of on Sunday. Now, our conversations (though less in numbers) are centered on God, not on a building. It isn't easy...but God is glorified as we trust Him and grow.
Now is a good time to mention that sometimes the journey is hard and "unknown". There are times of doubt, times of fear, and feelings of being alone. God is so gracious that He walks us through those tough times...giving us just what we need, when we need it. We've come to realize that being around a lot of people has not proven an effective ministry. When we invited people over from the ic we had a lot of people in our home (over 100 on two occasions)...but with little meaningful impact. We found that our only connection with several people was were we walked into and out of on Sunday. Now, our conversations (though less in numbers) are centered on God, not on a building. It isn't easy...but God is glorified as we trust Him and grow.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Amazing Bible Studies "outdoors"
Ok, I'll admit we are blessed here in Arizona with some great weather in the winter. So, now that we don't "attend church" we have moved our Bible studies outdoors!
The first study we did at the Riparian Water Preserve. We walked around the park talking about sowing seeds. It was great to see how some seeds might fall on the path...other seed amoung the thorns and still others in good soil. I really think our 2 younger kids got it! The KEY to what we studied - Don't worry about where you put the seed, just get the seed out there! What was funny to watch, is how many people would see us with Bibles and head the opposite direction.
It was a wonderful Sunday morning spent with my wife and our 2 younger boys.
Last week we took another Bible Study field trip and went to a new housing development. We walked around a "foundation" for a home. Then we went to a home that was already built. Our discussion was around building a foundation on something solid (God). We spent time in prayer and then the boys wanted to play at the nearby playground...it is wonderful to live in the freedom Christ came to bring us!
And about our older 2 kids? Well, my son is really praying about what God would want him to do. He is still VERY involved in an institutional church, but he is spending time in prayer and conversation with me about where God wants him. My constant statement to him - just be faithful to God where ever you are. Our daughter is also still attending the ic as well. She enjoys the social aspect of going and we know God loves her more than we do and therefore we trust Him to move in her life as He knows is best for her.
Let me pause and take a moment to say - we are not anti-establishment. We are not anti-church. Our calling from God is to let individuals know there is spiritual life outside of "churches". God is not confined to the walls of a building. If you have struggled to find a church and maybe you've even given up - rest in God's peace, open His word, talk to God...he is your Father and LOVES YOU! You are not alone!
The first study we did at the Riparian Water Preserve. We walked around the park talking about sowing seeds. It was great to see how some seeds might fall on the path...other seed amoung the thorns and still others in good soil. I really think our 2 younger kids got it! The KEY to what we studied - Don't worry about where you put the seed, just get the seed out there! What was funny to watch, is how many people would see us with Bibles and head the opposite direction.
It was a wonderful Sunday morning spent with my wife and our 2 younger boys.
Last week we took another Bible Study field trip and went to a new housing development. We walked around a "foundation" for a home. Then we went to a home that was already built. Our discussion was around building a foundation on something solid (God). We spent time in prayer and then the boys wanted to play at the nearby playground...it is wonderful to live in the freedom Christ came to bring us!
And about our older 2 kids? Well, my son is really praying about what God would want him to do. He is still VERY involved in an institutional church, but he is spending time in prayer and conversation with me about where God wants him. My constant statement to him - just be faithful to God where ever you are. Our daughter is also still attending the ic as well. She enjoys the social aspect of going and we know God loves her more than we do and therefore we trust Him to move in her life as He knows is best for her.
Let me pause and take a moment to say - we are not anti-establishment. We are not anti-church. Our calling from God is to let individuals know there is spiritual life outside of "churches". God is not confined to the walls of a building. If you have struggled to find a church and maybe you've even given up - rest in God's peace, open His word, talk to God...he is your Father and LOVES YOU! You are not alone!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
First Official Day outside of Church
Although it has been a few weeks since we left the institutional church (ic), I have actually been travelling on business. Today is the first day of waking up on a Sunday morning without "getting ready to go to church". Wow...43 years of waking up on Sunday mornings "getting ready to go to church".
So, what are we going to do with our new found freedom on Sunday morning? I am excited to say that we are going to a local park (Riparian Water Preserve) and we are going to share some of how Jesus interacted with His people. With our 8 & 12 year old, it will be fun to be in an outdoor setting as we walk with Jesus.
Speaking of our younger 2 children...they had a program back in the ic recently that paid them "bucks" for doing certain things. They got "bucks" for bringing their Bible, memorizing verses, answering questions, and bringing friends. The "bucks" were then turned in each month for prizes like Target gift cards and toys. Our 12 year old said, "I didn't feel like it was a good thing to get paid to do things, but I wasn't going to turn it down." You see in the ic you exhaust every way possible to get people to do things and then you turn to bribery, or more common guilt. This is not Jesus way...that is not the way of our Father.
I have to be honest, I have not guilt this morning. The verse that has been thrown at every non-compliant christian, "forsaking not the assembling of the Saints" has lost its incorrect meaning. I am truly walking in the freedom that comes from Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to be a part of His Kingdom and cannot wait to see where He leads and to who I will share His love.
So, what are we going to do with our new found freedom on Sunday morning? I am excited to say that we are going to a local park (Riparian Water Preserve) and we are going to share some of how Jesus interacted with His people. With our 8 & 12 year old, it will be fun to be in an outdoor setting as we walk with Jesus.
Speaking of our younger 2 children...they had a program back in the ic recently that paid them "bucks" for doing certain things. They got "bucks" for bringing their Bible, memorizing verses, answering questions, and bringing friends. The "bucks" were then turned in each month for prizes like Target gift cards and toys. Our 12 year old said, "I didn't feel like it was a good thing to get paid to do things, but I wasn't going to turn it down." You see in the ic you exhaust every way possible to get people to do things and then you turn to bribery, or more common guilt. This is not Jesus way...that is not the way of our Father.
I have to be honest, I have not guilt this morning. The verse that has been thrown at every non-compliant christian, "forsaking not the assembling of the Saints" has lost its incorrect meaning. I am truly walking in the freedom that comes from Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to be a part of His Kingdom and cannot wait to see where He leads and to who I will share His love.
Friday, October 31, 2008
My neighbor doesn't want to go to church
Halloween night and we followed our tradition of sitting on the driveway and talking with children and their parents. Our neighbor came over and asked about our "church". We explained that we no longer attend and she was shocked!! They had seen the cars lined up outside of our home for church bar-b-ques, Bible studies, and other "church" events and it didn't make sense that we stopped attending. Our neighbor's response was fun, she LOVED the idea of not having to go to a church (they've seen the productions get bigger and bigger on Sundays). We explained that we wanted to make time for people and we'd love to start getting together with them to hang out.
You see, we started out having fun time with neighbors and friends sharing the love of Jesus and then we just got "church" busy. The busier we got with "church" the less time we had to share Jesus with those who need to meet Him. So, again it is confirmed that we are on the right journey.
You see, we started out having fun time with neighbors and friends sharing the love of Jesus and then we just got "church" busy. The busier we got with "church" the less time we had to share Jesus with those who need to meet Him. So, again it is confirmed that we are on the right journey.
Monday, October 27, 2008
So, what do you do with the kids?
Monday night...1 day officially out of the institutional church and I'd like to share God's first blessing. Yesterday we made it our last day in the ic. We left without fanfare, just hugging some necks and making sure our responsibilities were handed over to others. Our plan was to wait to talk with our children about God's leading us, until after our last ic day. We chose a favorite resturant, sat down at a big table (we have 4 kids) and began to lay out our journey to the kids.
I started with a quick recap of Acts 2. We walked through the various reformations and restorations of the ic and contrasted that to how Jesus ministered to folks. We talked about the journey God has had our family on (seeking an ic that overflowed with God's children abiding in Him and not finding it). I ended my sharing with what we see God doing with us moving forward.
I actually took a bunch of Sweet & Low packets and spread them out. I explained that each packet was an institutional church and each packet had a bunch of folks in them. I made it clear that we don't look down on those in the ic...pray for them...but don't look down on them. Then I asked what happens to the people that are in-between the Sweet & Low packets, those outside of the ic. Each of our kids could think of someone that was there. My closing comment was that we are called to minister to those outside of the ic. (just for fun...we used crumbs to represent those of us outside of the ic...I think we were a small piece of tortilla chip).
PRAISE GOD! Our 8 year old got it! He was THRILLED to begin finding those outside of the ic (Sweet & Low packets). What a miracle that he caught the simplicity of God's calling. Our 2 teenagers, though quiet for awhile, were actually at peace with our decision. Now, I will say that we have given our teens a choice and for now they may continue in the ic...I leave that to God. One of our sons was tearful, but later said he was starting to get excited.
So, I write this to encourage other families with children that are considering leaving the ic and to those who already have. To follow God takes 100% trust and we must trust Him with our children and their journey as well.
I started with a quick recap of Acts 2. We walked through the various reformations and restorations of the ic and contrasted that to how Jesus ministered to folks. We talked about the journey God has had our family on (seeking an ic that overflowed with God's children abiding in Him and not finding it). I ended my sharing with what we see God doing with us moving forward.
I actually took a bunch of Sweet & Low packets and spread them out. I explained that each packet was an institutional church and each packet had a bunch of folks in them. I made it clear that we don't look down on those in the ic...pray for them...but don't look down on them. Then I asked what happens to the people that are in-between the Sweet & Low packets, those outside of the ic. Each of our kids could think of someone that was there. My closing comment was that we are called to minister to those outside of the ic. (just for fun...we used crumbs to represent those of us outside of the ic...I think we were a small piece of tortilla chip).
PRAISE GOD! Our 8 year old got it! He was THRILLED to begin finding those outside of the ic (Sweet & Low packets). What a miracle that he caught the simplicity of God's calling. Our 2 teenagers, though quiet for awhile, were actually at peace with our decision. Now, I will say that we have given our teens a choice and for now they may continue in the ic...I leave that to God. One of our sons was tearful, but later said he was starting to get excited.
So, I write this to encourage other families with children that are considering leaving the ic and to those who already have. To follow God takes 100% trust and we must trust Him with our children and their journey as well.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Not a Quitter, A Beginner
Six months ago I was the leader of the Women's ministry, on the praise team, in charge of the hospitality table, and at numerous meetings weekly to support the engine of our ic. What a full life! But it was only my calendar that was full. Inside I was slowly drying up. The more I gave the dryer I felt. Today I walked out of my ic for the last time. I love the Lord with all my heart. I love His people. But the church was wearing me out. I was too tired all the time to minister to my neighbors, friends and shockingly, my own family. At first I thought God was having me let go of different responsiblities so I could focus my energy on serving my 4 children and husband. I have been doing that since giving up the women's ministry. But I could tell there was more He was wanting me to let go off. Oddly enough, a woman at a local mega church recommended the book"So You Don't Want to go to Church Anymore". I don't know her personally, it was a general conversation to a varied group of women. I was at a book store, saw the book and thought I would give it a try. God does work mightily in our world today! My husband and I both read it and felt for the first time in a long time, a bit of peace. We knew finally what God was asking of us. It is scary. He gave me this verse to cling to during this time of transition: "Though he slay me I will trust Him." Job 13:15. I realized I have a trust issue with my Father that we are working through. We had planned to quietly slip out the door today. We didn't want to cause a scene or be a source of discouragement to the people we have considered family. My pastors wife hugged me and tearfully asked me "What can I do?" I responded"There is nothing to do. Let's just love each other." I don't know if she had somehow sensed this was our last Sunday. So, my question is the same as hers. "What can I do?" Job answered the question for me. "I will trust in Him."
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The journey is full of confirmation
I LOVE God so much! He blessed His people with confirmation throughout their journey in the wilderness. They had a cloud by day, a fire by night, food, and water. God is so gracious to us on our journey as well. He has given us confirmations that we are on His path. Let me remind you what the path is...it is a personal, 100%, everything sacrificed walk with God. This journey has nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I have no agenda, but God's. I have no hope, outside of Him. He is my everything...well that is where He wants me to be...I've got a long way to go, but He loves me on the path!
So, back to confirmations. I don't expect confirmations, I don't anticipate confirmations, in fact you have to be careful not to focus more on the confirmation than on the One who gives them. When my wife and I felt God leading us away from institutional churches He gave us 3 very special confirmations. The first is the Bible (the same one I've read for 40+ years, but it is living and He is revealing). I've spent hours on airplanes reading and re-reading what God said about "church". The second is a book by Wayne Jacobsen called, "So, You Don't Want to go to Church Anymore". It is told as a story and it gave my wife and I some very well timed confirmation. I have already sent a thank you e-mail to Wayne and I was shocked that he responded within a day...wow! The third is a book by George Barna called, "Revolution". I had anticipated a book with studies, numbers and statistics but I finished the book totally sold out for Jesus Christ and I cannot wait to Serve Him by being the Church, no longer going to a "church".
I was so excited to begin this blog, because I hope to be a confirmation to others that might be drawn by God to a "revolution", or to those who want to be, the "Church" rather than just showing up at a "church". In Jacobsen's book, I like the message that we don't have to worry about what God is going to do with us outside of the institution. God will place us where He needs us and when He needs us. This is what I read in the New Testament; individuals (the "Church") being lead by God to others who needed to hear about Jesus Christ. They didn't have a plan, a vision, an organization...they knew "only Jesus Christ and Him crucified". Barna's book was so amazing because it talks about individuals that are so on fire for God, that want nothing more than to walk intimately with God, people that love God with all of their heart, soul, mind strength. We are not leaving God when we leave the institution, in fact we are running to Him!
So, be encouraged. Don't seek confirmations (especially from men). Seek God. Did you catch that...Seek God. God will respond, God will encourage you, but don't panic if you end up in a wilderness for awhile. God will be with you in the wilderness...every step of the way and He will be glorified!
So, back to confirmations. I don't expect confirmations, I don't anticipate confirmations, in fact you have to be careful not to focus more on the confirmation than on the One who gives them. When my wife and I felt God leading us away from institutional churches He gave us 3 very special confirmations. The first is the Bible (the same one I've read for 40+ years, but it is living and He is revealing). I've spent hours on airplanes reading and re-reading what God said about "church". The second is a book by Wayne Jacobsen called, "So, You Don't Want to go to Church Anymore". It is told as a story and it gave my wife and I some very well timed confirmation. I have already sent a thank you e-mail to Wayne and I was shocked that he responded within a day...wow! The third is a book by George Barna called, "Revolution". I had anticipated a book with studies, numbers and statistics but I finished the book totally sold out for Jesus Christ and I cannot wait to Serve Him by being the Church, no longer going to a "church".
I was so excited to begin this blog, because I hope to be a confirmation to others that might be drawn by God to a "revolution", or to those who want to be, the "Church" rather than just showing up at a "church". In Jacobsen's book, I like the message that we don't have to worry about what God is going to do with us outside of the institution. God will place us where He needs us and when He needs us. This is what I read in the New Testament; individuals (the "Church") being lead by God to others who needed to hear about Jesus Christ. They didn't have a plan, a vision, an organization...they knew "only Jesus Christ and Him crucified". Barna's book was so amazing because it talks about individuals that are so on fire for God, that want nothing more than to walk intimately with God, people that love God with all of their heart, soul, mind strength. We are not leaving God when we leave the institution, in fact we are running to Him!
So, be encouraged. Don't seek confirmations (especially from men). Seek God. Did you catch that...Seek God. God will respond, God will encourage you, but don't panic if you end up in a wilderness for awhile. God will be with you in the wilderness...every step of the way and He will be glorified!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Spiritual Journeys & Hiking Diamond Head

Ok, I promised a picture from the journey up to Diamond Head. The interesting thing about that journey; the stairs you see were just one set of stairs. We thought once we got past this set of stairs, all would be smooth. Actually, there are several set of stairs. Similar to our spiritual journey; when we thought we had things figured out and the "big challenge" was behind us...God had more challenges for us to face. Spiritual journeys are all about learning to trust God, to yield more to His will. In order to trust and yield I've learned that you've got to go through difficulty and see how GOD brings you through...He ALWAYS brings you through! My plan is to hike back up Diamond Head next month (another business trip), only this time I know what the journey is all about.
Where to begin...

Welcome to our journey! Sunday is our last day of official invovlement in the institutional churches. God has been leading us to this point for years, we've been holding on...and holding on...and holding on, but God has given us release. So, the next step of our journey has begun. So, why the picture of Diamond Head? Well, my wife and I were in Hawaii (business trip) and we heard about the view from the top of Diamond Head. We had no idea what the hike was like, we just knew we wanted to see the view. God has promised a home in heaven, a resting place with Him...a view like none other. God has promised the end, but has not explained the journey. I'll post other pictures from our hike, but to shorten the story...there are millions of steps that our guidebook hadn't explained. The journey was much more than we had thought, beautiful, but tough! The journey God has our family on, has been amazing, and often times tough. So, again welcome to our journey. To God be the Glory!
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